Bristol CT, Lake Compounce Bumping Cars, 1942


Here we are in 1942 at Lake Compounce Amusement Park in Bristol, Connecticut, through a delightful photograph capturing the joy of the Bumping Cars. The photo evokes nostalgic memories of the unforgettable experience these cars provided. From personal experience, these bumping cars were nothing short of the best!

Amidst the park's lively atmosphere, memories of the beloved Laff In the Dark ride also resurface, reminding us of cherished moments spent in its spooky darkness. Lake Compounce, with its rich history, remains open to this day, preserving the magic and excitement that have enchanted generations of visitors.

The Bumping Cars and the cherished Laff In the Dark ride have left an indelible mark on the hearts of visitors, making Lake Compounce a place of wonder and joy that continues to captivate visitors of all ages.

Lake Compounce As it Was

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